Question, is anyone else having a terrible time concentrating recently? Suddenly, I have been presented with all the time I always wished I had, and now that it is here I don’t know what to do with it. I am not sure if it is the anxiety that is pulsing from every source. The lack of normal routine. The concern about my kids’ education, or all of the above and much more, but I am just plain scatter-brained of late (or more so than normal).
I want to read the books that are piled in every nook and cranny of our house. Books I have waited so long to read, waiting for the moment I would be able to really settle in and savour them. Now, I pick a book up, read the first few pages, and set it back down, I’ve lost the ability to lose myself. I have a growing stack of just started books beside my bed that, if there was to be another earthquake, may topple and kill me.
I want to write, I have no less than four unfinished novels I could be working on now that the time is here! There is ideas, and blogs, and so many wonderful outlets. But words skitter around in my brain and tend to not make as much sense once I put them down. Please, see this post as an example!
I could finally pick up my tarot cards and learn them the way I have wanted for so long. Or I could grab the guitar and check that off my bucket list. Exercise, the deep house cleans that never get done! The lists of what we could be doing with this time seems positively endless, and I have to wonder is this what is rendering me immobile? I return again and again to social media, or my emails, or other brainless things that pilfer away this time that I so desperately wanted before. Is this the classic ‘so many things to do I can’t pick anything’? I already know I am terrible about falling into that trap.
I overwhelm easily, absorb the energies I shouldn’t, and sometimes the noise of a family stuck in a small house renders me a heart-pounding mess. This staying at home thing can be the ideal scene for an introvert, or the exact opposite. It really depends on the hour that you ask me.
How can I settle my mind onto a task? It isn’t as though there aren’t things that have to be done either. I am working from home, suddenly responsible for education these little humans I created, there is a house to keep from falling down around our ears, bellies to fill, three furry friends that need love and exercise.
So, tell me, friends, who else is feeling this way? Anyone else restless and un-tethered without the daily routines? I can’t be the only one. Please, give me your tips on how I can conquer this flighty feeling and make the most of this, without the anxieties? Maybe drop me some book recommendations that will have me so enthralled I can’t put them down!
More than anything; stay happy, healthy, and safe.
Lindsay (and the gang)